Charlie’s Home – front hall
Nick : Um... I'm sorry for not texting you. Uh... I just wanted to talk in person.
Charlie : Okay.
Episode title card
Charlie’s Home – front hall
Charlie : Just... Just come in, you're getting soaked.
Nick : Yeah, good idea.
Charlie : Did you forget a coat?
Nick : Oh. Uh... Yeah, I didn't check the weather before I left.
Charlie : Idiot.
Nick : Um... So, about last night. Um... I just wanted to say...
Jane : Nick. I didn't know you were coming round.
Nick : Um... Yeah. Sorry, yeah.
Charlie : He's just picking up a jumper he left here last week.
Jane : Right. Uh, well, don't forget we're going to Grandma's this morning, Charlie. You could at least change out of your pajamas.
Charlie : Let's go to my room.
Charlie’s Room
Nick : Uh... So...
Charlie : I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It was... I didn't think properly about what I was doing and... I did a stupid thing. I don't want you to feel awkward about it. It was all my fault.
Nick : Hang on.
Charlie : I shouldn't have kissed you. I bet you just felt pressured to do it because I asked, and you probably don't wanna talk to me again, but I at least had to say sorry. See if there's a chance we can still be friends?
Nick : Charlie...
Charlie : I don't want to lose you because I did something stupid.
Nick : Charlie.
Charlie : Um...
Nick : God. I'm so sorry, I... I'm just so sorry I ran away last night. I was just freaking out because, uh... I was confused and surprised and, like, honestly... I'm having a proper, full-on gay crisis. And it's not that I didn't want to, you know... kiss you. I just... I was just so confused. I've just been so, so confused. I just think I need some time to... figure this out.
Charlie’s Home – front hall
Nick : At school... is it okay if we, like...
Charlie : Keep this a secret?
Nick : Yeah. I just don't really know if I can, uh... You know. Come out as anything.
Charlie : Yeah. It's fine. Bye.
Nick : Bye.
Charlie : Nick!
Nick : Hi.
Charlie : Hi.
Nick : Did I forget something?
Charlie : Um... Yeah. Okay. Bye.
Outside of Truham
Nick : Hey.
Imogen : Hey. Something's different.
Nick : What?
Imogen : Have you changed your hair?
Nick : What? No.
Imogen : You have! I've known you since, like, Year 7. I can tell when something's changed. You look different.
Nick : It's different now you're messing with it.
Imogen : Don't worry, I'm a highly qualified hair stylist.
Nick : Qualified from where?
Imogen : The University of Hair Stylists.
Nick : Wow. Yeah, seems legit.
Imogen : Oh, I've got to go. I forgot I had morning detention.
Truham’s room B25
Charlie : Hi.
Nick : Hi.
Higgs’ class room
Darcy : Morning. What? Oh. Hi.
Tara : Hi.
Elle : Is this how it's going to be now? Am I officially the third wheel?
Tara : No.
Darcy : We're finally taking the opportunity to kiss as much as possible.
Tara : No, we're not. Did you finish your work?
Darcy : Probably.
Tara : Probably not, eh?
Message from Elle to Tao : miss you too!!!!
Truham’s art room
Mr. Ajayi : There's a boy in there, waiting for you.
Charlie : Oh. Yeah.
Mr. Ajayi : Is it the secret boyfriend or the straight boy crush?
Charlie : He's on the rugby team.
Mr. Ajayi : Hmm.
Charlie : I joined the rugby team.
Mr. Ajayi : Mmm. Of course you did. Don't get crumbs on the floor or I'll get told off by the cleaners. Again. Go on.
Nick : Hi.
Charlie : Hi.
Nick : I missed you.
Charlie : I saw you in form, like, four hours ago.
Nick : Sure your friends don't mind you eating lunch with me?
Charlie : Nah. They can deal with it. Clearly, I need to be here to get tips on how to be good at rugby.
Nick : Oh, really? So that's what this is actually all about then?
Charlie : Maybe.
Nick : Feels nice to be able to ditch my friends for once. All they want to do at lunch is just sit on the field and chuck stuff at people.
Charlie : Chuck stuff?
Nick : Yep. Mainly Harry. He's an idiot. My friends are nothing like you. Are we even allowed in here?
Charlie : Yeah. I used to come in here a lot last year. Like, when the bullying was really bad.
Mr. Ajayi was the only teacher who really cared that much.
Nick : Well, he was giving me evils before you got here.
Charlie : He must have thought you were Ben. I told him about the "Ben making me keep us a secret" thing. Not... I mean, that's nothing like what we're doing. You're nothing like him. This is completely different.
Nick : Yeah.
Truham’s rugby field
Coach : That's it boys, tackle low. Get over the ball. Kick it! Go for the tackle, boys.
Boy : Charlie!
Otis : Come on, man. For the third time!
Harry : Is he going to tackle anyone, or is he gonna stand there? Why did he even join the team?
Coach : All right. Boys, quick.
Otis : We all need to step up for the St. John's match.
Nick : Yeah.
Otis : If we can't even tackle them, we've got no chance. No chance at all.
Coach : You're on cone collection today, Charlie.
Charlie : Okay.
Coach : You gonna be okay for the match next week? I'd keep you on reserve for longer, but Kieran has an unavoidable dentist appointment.
Charlie : I'll be fine.
Coach : About the tackling, you've really got to commit to it, okay? Try not to worry about getting hurt and just throw yourself into it.
Charlie : Okay.
Coach : It's all about confidence.
Charlie : Well, it's hard to be confident when they all see me as a stereotypical gay boy who can't do sports.
Coach : A lot of gay people are good at sports, Charlie.
Charlie is training for tackling
Outside of Higgs
Girl 1 : Well, apparently they were kissing at Harry's party. Like, properly kissing.
Girl 2 : Yeah, well, some girls who are friends just do that.
Girl 3 : Actually, when you think about it, there are 1,200 people at this school, so at least a few of them are going to be lesbians.
Girl 4 : Maybe you're a lesbian and you have no idea.
Higgs’ Cafeteria
Elle : It'll die down soon, won't it?
Tara : I really, really hope so.
Imogen : Tara, I need to talk to you.
Darcy : Oh, God.
Tara : Hi, Imogen, what's up?
Imogen : One minute I hear you and Nick are a thing, the next I hear you're kissing some girl at Harry's party.
Darcy : Tara literally kisses her girlfriend at a crowded party, and people are still asking her if she's dating a guy she kissed once when she was 13?
Imogen : So that girl is her girlfriend?
Darcy : That girl? I'm right here!
Imogen : All right. Fine, I was just asking. Just so you know, me and Nick are together, so I just needed to check.
Elle : You and Nick Nelson are together?
Imogen : Mmm-hmm. I mean, pretty much. Look, we look cute together.
Elle : Yeah. Very cute.
Imogen : So you and Nick are definitely not...
Tara : I'm a lesbian.
Imogen : Okay. I'm not, like, homophobic. I'm an ally.
Tara : Congratulations?
Darcy : We thank you for your service.
Lunch Table – Outside of Truham
Tao : I bet Charlie's eating lunch with Nick again. He's been eating lunch with him a lot.
Isaac : Well, they're in the honeymoon phase.
Tao : It's not even like they're dating.
Isaac : Unless they are.
Tao : I mean... Look at them. It's a bad idea to even walk near them, let alone actually befriend one of them. Charlie's putting himself in danger just because he has a little unrequited crush.
Harry : Oi, catch. Sorry, mate. Oh, my God.
Nick : You okay?
Tao : Yes.
Nick : Can I have the ball back?
Tao : No. It's mine now.
Boys : Ooh. Ooh!
St John' rugby field
Charlie : So, all my friends are showing up in a bit to watch me play.
Nick : All your friends?
Charlie : Tao, Isaac and Elle. I've said they really didn't have to come, but... Elle said they wanted to be supportive.
Nick : Oh. That's... That's nice.
Charlie : Don't worry. I won't say anything about us.
Nick : Oh. Yeah, good. Thanks. You sure it's okay?
Charlie : Yeah. Of course.
Harry : Not going to flake out today, are you Charlie ?
Charlie : No.
Harry : We're counting on you.
Charlie : They're here. I'll be right back.
Coach : Let's line up. Groups of three for the passing exercise. Let's go.
Elle : Hi.
Charlie : Oh, my God, I missed you.
Elle : You too.
Tao : Excuse me, where's our hug?
Charlie : I see you all the time.
Elle : So this is Tara and Darcy.
Charlie : Yeah. Hi.
Darcy : Charlie! My guy. I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm mainly here to get acquainted with the local gays, but, you know, you and Nick Nelson are looking suspiciously couple-y.
Tara : Oh, my God, please ignore her.
Charlie : We're friends. He's my friend.
Darcy : Well, friends as in friends, or friends as in friends?
Elle : Darcy.
Charlie : Why? Are there rumors, or...
Darcy : No, no. Nothing but my gay intuition.
Charlie : I promise. We're totally platonic, good friends.
Darcy : Disappointing, but... Okay.
Harry : You all right, Nick? Oi, Nick! Come, come. Join in, yeah?
Charlie : Quick question. Why are the other team literal adult men?
Nick : They're a specialist sports school.
Tara : Oh, wow.
Darcy : Oh, God.
Charlie : Sorry. Nervous.
Capitain : Be dominant. We have to show them who we are, what we're proud of, yeah, boys? One, two, three! Come on, boys.
Nick : All right, line up, boys.
Imogen : Come on, Nicholas!
Ben : Harry, don't let the game go soft.
Tao : So, does anyone remember the rules of rugby because I don't.
All : No.
Imogen : Come on, Nicholas!
Elle : Ooh.
Nick : Come on. Let's go, boys. Come on! Head up!
Tara : There we are, yeah.
St Joghn's Boys : Five, six, seven. Heave!
Nick : Charlie!
Elle : Ow.
Tao : Oh, my gosh.
Coach : Get back up, Charlie.
Elle : Yes, Charlie!
Tara : Shake it off, it's fine! Come on!
Darcy : Yes!
Nick : Hold it.
Harry : Mate. See that number 14, yeah? He definitely has something for you, mate. A crush or something, mate.
Tao : Is Harry Green picking on Charlie?
Elle : Maybe they're friends.
Tao : That's even worse. Next, Charlie will be bringing the whole rugby team to our film night and making us watch Avengers or something.
Elle : Is that your nightmare scenario? Watching a movie you hate with people you don't like very much?
Tao : Charlie's befriending bullies, and our friendship group is falling apart. Take this seriously.
Elle : Hey. I didn't come to risk seeing all the Truham Boys who used to pick on me just for you to tell me our friendship group's falling apart.
Harry : Go after him, mate. 100%.
Nick : All right. Boys, set up. Set up. Go on, mate. Keep your head up, Charlie.
Coach : Hang in there, boys.
Nick : Come on!
Nick : Charlie!
Nick : Is it okay if we, like...
Charlie : Keep this a secret?
Nick : Yeah.
Coach : Okay, that's it, I'm calling it. This rain is too dangerous! Match is over! Everyone off the pitch!
St John's Infirmy
Nick : Hey.
Charlie : Hey.
Nick : Is your nose okay?
Charlie : I don't know.
Nick : Let me see. It looks fine.
Charlie : Cool.
Nick : You've got some mud on your face though.
Charlie : Um, sorry...
Nick : What?
Charlie : I'm really sorry for being all clingy and annoying. I'm making this so awkward. You wanted to keep us a secret and I'm messing it up.
Nick : I'm the one who should be saying sorry.
Isaac : Uh... Sorry... for, um... interrupting, but Ms. Singh told me to give you some... antiseptic wipes. Okay.
Nick : Um... I'd better go.
Charlie : Okay. Isaac won't say anything.
Nick : Yeah. Okay.
Outside of St John
Tao : Charlie's not going to give up on Nick Nelson, is he?
Elle : Highly doubt it.
Tao : Maybe we should just stop getting involved.
Elle : I can't believe you just actually suggested that. You, Tao Xu, King of Getting Involved.
Tao : Shut up. It was nice meeting your friends though.
Elle : Yeah?
Tao : Yeah. They seem cool.
Elle : They are.
Tao : Have they replaced us?
Elle : As if anyone could replace your incredibly annoying, loud presence in my life.
Tao : How dare you?
Harry : Who you waiting for?
Imogen : I was just waiting to see Nick.
Harry : Oh. Finally ready to make a move?
Imogen : Just piss off, Harry.
All : Ooh!
Harry : Okay, fine. If you're gonna be a coward about it.
All : Ooh, feisty.
Nick : Oh. Hey.
Imogen : Hey!
Nick : What's up?
Imogen : You did so good.
Nick : Uh, I mean, the match was cancelled and we were losing anyway, but... Thanks. So what's going on?
Imogen : I... I... wanted to ask you if, um... Like, this is really random. But maybe we could, like... go out somewhere. Together. Like, I guess sort of a... date. Or something.
Nick : Oh. Um...
Harry : Go on, Nick.
Nick : Yeah. I guess so, sure.
Harry : Yes, lad. Lads, let's get out of here.