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#106 : Filles

Bannière Heartstopper - Tao et Elle

Tara officialise sa relation sur les réseaux sociaux sans être prête à faire face aux conséquences de cette décision. Les amis jouent les entremetteurs entre Elle et Tao.


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Tao Xu (William Gao) n'en croit pas ses oreilles

Tao Xu (William Gao) n'en croit pas ses oreilles

Elle Argent (Yasmin Finney) et Tao Xu (William Gao) s'enlacent tendrement

Elle Argent (Yasmin Finney) et Tao Xu (William Gao) s'enlacent tendrement

Nick (Kit Connor) choisit un film à voir avec sa maman, Sarah Nelson (Olivia Colman)

Nick (Kit Connor) choisit un film à voir avec sa maman, Sarah Nelson (Olivia Colman)

Nick et Charlie sont sur le point de s'embrasser

Nick et Charlie sont sur le point de s'embrasser

Le groupe d'amis est réuni pour partager des milkshakes

Le groupe d'amis est réuni pour partager des milkshakes

Charlie Spring (Joe Locke) sourit à Nick dans sa chambre

Charlie Spring (Joe Locke) sourit à Nick dans sa chambre

Nick (Kit Connor) joue quelques notes à la batterie avec Charlie (Joe Locke)

Nick (Kit Connor) joue quelques notes à la batterie avec Charlie (Joe Locke)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Alice Oseman
Réalisation : Euros Lyn

Distribution :

  • Kit Connor : Nick Nelson
  • Olivia Colman : Sarah Nelson
  • Echo : Nellie (le chien de Nick)
  • Courtney-Jay : lui-même
  • Corinna Brown : Tara Jones
  • Kizzy Edgell : Darcy Olsson
  • Yasmin Finney : Elle Argent
  • Joe Locke : Charlie Spring
  • William Gao : Tao Xu
  • Cormac Hyde-Corrin : Harry Greene
  • Rhea Norwood : Imogen Heaney
  • Leonie Spilsbury : Miss Hyder
  • Frewyn Thursfield : Fille de l'orchestre
  • Jack O'Doherty : Nick jeune
  • Livia Nelson : Tara jeune
  • Jenny Walser : Tory Spring

Nick's house
Sarah : Mamma Mia?
Nick : We've seen that four times this year.
Sarah : Oh, you think of something, I'm going to dish up the pizzas. I've got it. Pirates of the Caribbean. It's a classic. What do you think?
Nick : Yeah. That sounds good. In the film : Here. Let me.
Sarah : Remember that summer, we had to watch this every evening?
Nick : It wasn't every evening.
Sarah : It was. I could quote it word for word by the end of it. I knew it was because you loved Keira Knightley.
Nick : Mum.
Sarah : What? She's a very pretty girl.
Nick : Please stop talking.
In the film : I don't know. Sorry, blacksmith's hands. I know they're rough. No. I mean, yes, they are, but... Don't stop.

Nick's bedroom
Vlogger : I was about 14 when I realized I was bisexual. I had a best friend at the time, and we were completely inseparable. And one day, we shared a kiss, and I didn't feel weird about it. I didn't feel like it was an odd thing to do. In fact, it felt incredibly right. I always felt like I had these feelings for girls up to that point, but all of a sudden I started having feelings for guys too. And that's when I realized, I'm bisexual.

Episode title card

Higg's Cafeteria
Darcy : This is a conversational lunchtime gathering we've got going on here. Elle? Are you looking at Timothée Chamalet's Instagram again?
Elle : No.
Darcy : What are you doing then?
Elle : Nothing.
Tara : Probably texting Tao.
Elle : I can text my friends if I want to.
Tara : Texting Tao again. Interesting.
Darcy : Interesting indeed.
Elle : What are you implying?
Darcy : What do you think I'm implying?
Elle : I think I have a crush on Tao.
Tara : I knew it.
Darcy : I literally knew it.
Elle : Shut up! It's not like. I can say anything to him. He's my best friend, and definitely doesn't like me back.
Tara ; You don't know that.
Elle : I definitely do.
Tara : You don't even want to try telling him?
Elle : No. Can we talk about something else?
Tara : Ugh. Boring.
Darcy : Yeah.

Outside of Truham
Harry : Watch out, dick-nozzle.
Tao : If you want my attention that badly, why don't you throw something at me again? Like your last remaining brain cell?
Boy : Ooh.
Harry : That's not even...
Charlie : Wow. I think you hurt his feelings.
Tao : Good.

Higgs' music room
Tara : It's never gonna work. I always see you coming.
Darcy : One day. One day I'll get you.
Tara : Mind the door. That's the one that locks you in if you let it shut.
Darcy : You realize this is the room?
Tara : The room?
Darcy : Our special room. We got locked in and had our first kiss. What's going on? Are you okay?
Miss Hyder : Tara, Darcy. I know it's nice to sit and gossip with your friends, but you're both late for rehearsal. Come on.
Darcy : There's still one person that doesn't know we're a couple.
Tara : Like, literally the only person in a 50-mile radius, I swear to God.

Higgs' class room
Girl : Like, I never would have guessed that you were gay, but it's so cool and brave of you.
Miss Hyder : Okay, eyes on me please, girls. Sitting up. Watching me, please. With confidence, please, everybody. Come on. Don't forget, ladies, we'll be at Truham all day next Thursday to practice for the spring concert.
Darcy : Wait, we have another concert with them?
Miss Hyder : Darcy, I announced this weeks ago.
Tara : I think Truham and Higgs should just combine into one giant school.
Darcy : Yeah, same-sex schools are a pointless idea generally. I'm saying that as an absolute lesbian.
Girl 1 : She's so gross.
Girl 2 : Lesbians are so disgusting.
Tara : What is their problem? I swear people weren't like this before we came out.
Darcy : Want me to throw cheese at them? I've got leftover cheese from lunch.
Tara : Nah. It's not like they're saying it to my face. Why do you have leftover cheese?
Darcy : It always pays to be prepared with anti-homophobia cheese.

Nick : I had a question.
Charlie : Yeah?
Nick : I just wondered, like... How did you realize you were gay?
Charlie : Oh. Uh... I guess I've always been sort of aware of it. Even when I was really young. I didn't understand it at the time, but... It's always been boys. I'm guessing you didn't feel the same when you were little.
Nick : Well, no. I don't know what I am.
Charlie : You don't have to figure it out right now. I didn't just wake up one day like, "Oh, look, guess I'm gay now."
Nick : Well... I'm sorry for being all confused.
Charlie : I thought I was the one who said sorry too much.
Nick : Oi!
Charlie : Do you want to kiss? Would that help?
Nick : Wow.
Charlie : Just a suggestion.
Nick : Wow.
Charlie : If you're not interested then...
Nick : Okay. Hang on. It's a good suggestion. Sorry.
Charlie : Don't be sorry.

Nick's bedroom
Vlogger : Growing up bisexual is constantly second-guessing yourself. One day you'll have a crush on a guy, the next day you have a crush on a girl, and you're sitting there going, "Which one is it? Make a choice." And then you realize, there isn't a choice. It's a combination of the both. Like, you can have both and it be okay.

Truham's gym
Nick : I can't believe you get the whole day off to rehearse for this.
Charlie : Sometimes playing a musical instrument has its benefits.
Nick : When is the concert?
Charlie : Friday night.
Nick : Can I come?
Charlie : What? Why?
Nick : Because you're performing.
Charlie : You don't have to come. You've probably got more interesting things to do.
Miss Hyder : Charlie, come on! Your drum kit still isn't set up. Please come in at one, two...
Tara : Hi, Nick.
Nick : Tara. You're in the orchestra too?
Tara : Yeah.
Nick : I have literally no musical ability. Charlie tried to teach me the drums once and I am absolutely crap.
Tara : You and Charlie getting along well then?
Nick : Uh... Yeah. Actually... Well... We're sort of going out.
Tara : Are you?
Nick : I mean, we haven't made it official or anything, but... Yeah. Please don't tell anyone though.
Tara : No, of course. Funny how things turned out between us.
Nick : What do you mean?
Tara : I mean, when we were 13, I thought we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend forever.
Nick : Yep. So did I. Are you and Darcy out to your friends, then?
Tara : Since I, uh, posted on Insta, everyone kind of knows now. Um, some people were surprised, a couple of people already knew... Darcy!
Darcy : Triumph at last.
Miss Hyder : Come on, girls. We're running through it again in a minute.
Tara : We're here all day if you want to meet us for lunch.
Nick : Yeah, that'd be nice.
Miss Hyder : Okay, everyone. From the top!

Outside of Truham
Darcy : Oh, my God, we've found another one.
Tara : You can't tell anyone. She won't tell anyone.
Nick : Yeah, I, um...
Harry : Not having lunch with your boyfriend today?
Tao : No, I'm waiting for your mum, actually.
Boy : Classic!
Harry : Yeah, whatever.
Nick : I'm not really... out yet, or anything.
Darcy : Do you want to be?
Nick : I don't know. I mean, I don't even know what my sexuality is.
Darcy ; That's okay. Tara didn't know she was a lesbian until we'd kissed, like, six times.
Tara : It was two times.
Darcy : Oh, my God, do you know what we need to do? Double dates. Us and Charlie, tomorrow night, before the concert, milkshakes.
Nick : I like milkshakes.
Darcy : Good.

Tara : Don't feel like you have to come out to anyone before you're ready.
Nick : Oh. Yeah.
Tara : Being out is hard. A lot of people will see you in a different way, and it is a lot to deal with.
Nick : Can I ask you something?
Tara : Yeah.
Nick : Are you, like... definitely gay? Or do you think you're bi, or... I mean, when we were 13, I think I did like you. I mean, I think I have liked girls before, so I wondered if you felt the same.
Tara : I'm definitely gay. Kissing you was actually one of the things that made me realize I don't like kissing guys.
Nick : Okay... Um... Happy to help.
Tara : Uh, see you tomorrow?
Nick : Yeah, that sounds really good. Um... You're kind of the first people I've told about Charlie.
Tara : Really?
Nick : Yeah.
Tara : And does it feel good to have told someone?
Nick : Yeah. Really does.

Charlie's bedroom
Charlie : You can't come in here. Nick's coming round.
Tori : Oh. I didn't realize you were in a committed relationship.
Charlie : What? We're not... He's not... Shut up.
Tori : Wow. So not ready to tie the knot yet then?
Charlie : Shut up. Even if we were together...

Nick : What?
Charlie : What?
Nick : You're staring.
Charlie : No I wasn't.
Nick : Yeah, you were.
Charlie : Do your homework.
Nick : You know, I was talking to Tara at the rehearsal today...
Charlie : Yeah?
Nick : You heard she came out, right?
Charlie : Yeah, she put it on Insta.
Nick : I told her we're together.
Charlie : What?
Nick : I told her we're going out.
Charlie : Oh, my God, that's amazing. You're amazing. Wait. Are you sure you wanted to?
Nick : Um, yeah.
Charlie : You didn't force yourself because I'm out...
Nick : No, I wanted to tell them.

Charlie’s home – front hall
Nick : So, how about the concert tomorrow night?
Charlie : You really don't have to come. It'll be boring.
Nick : No, I want to support you.
Charlie : Um... Okay, but if you change your mind, that's fine.
Nick : And Tara and Darcy want us to go and get milkshakes with them before it starts. Like a double date.
Charlie : I've never been on a date.
Nick : Me neither. Want to go on one?
Charlie : Yeah.
Nick : Cool. Um... I'll... I'll see you tomorrow.
Charlie : Okay. Bye.
Nick : Bye.

Nick's bedroom / Darcy's bedroom / Charlie's bedroom / Tara's bedroom
Message from Darcy to Nick, Charlie and Tara : tao and elle should come to our double date
Message from Nick to Darcy, Tara and Charlie : Wait, are they dating??
Message from Darcy to Nick, Charlie and Tara : not YET they're not
Message from Charlie to Tara, Darcy and Nick : do tao and elle like each other???
Message from Tara to Darcy, Nick and Charlie : Elle definitely likes Tao
Message from Darcy to Nick, Charlie and Tara : and they'd make such a good couple!!!
Message from Charlie to Tara, Darcy and Nick :btw they don't know me and nick are together
Message from Tara to Darcy, Nick and Charlie : That's okay!! We won't say anything
Message from Nick to Darcy, Tara and Charlie : So now it's a triple date?
Message from Charlie to Tara, Darcy and Nick : and tao and elle don't know it's a date at all…
Message from Darcy to Nick, Charlie and Tara : we are such meddling gays and I love it

Tao : Ooh, ooh.
Elle : Oh. Oh!
Tao : Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, whoa, whoa. Whoa! Since when were you coming to this? I thought it was bribery to get me to come to his boring concert.
Elle : You're here for the milkshakes then?
Tao : I said what I said.
Elle : Come on.

Tao : Do you ever play film music?
Tara : Yeah, sometimes.
Tao : Well, then it's not boring.
Charlie : Why'd you agree to come then?
Tao : Because I'm a very nice and supportive friend.
Elle : No, he came for the milkshakes and the milkshakes only.
Tao : I said that to you in confidence.
Darcy : How did you two become friends?
Elle : I was friends with Charlie first and Tao came along as a package deal.
Tao : Rude! You're lucky to have me.
Darcy : You make a cute little pair.
Tao : So, we're ordering a second round, right?
All : Yeah.
Nick : We can go and get them.
Tara : Can I have a strawberry one?
Nick : Strawberry.
Darcy : Banana again.

Charlie : Oh, my God, no, that is a crime!
Nick : I cannot believe you're disrespecting bubblegum flavor in front of me. Right. Let me try yours. Wow.
Charlie : See? I make good choices.
Nick : We should swap.
Charlie : No, you made your choice.
Nick : Okay, well, we can share. We are on a date.
Charlie : Is that the official rule of dating? Sharing drinks?
Nick : Yeah.
Charlie : We should go on a date, just us. I mean, if you want to. It's all right if you don't want to. Actually, no, sorry, that was stupid.
Nick : We should. I'd like that.

Darcy : After we'd kissed, like, six times...
Tara : It was two, but sure.
Darcy : ...Tara agreed to be my girlfriend.
Tao : That's a really cute story. You two seem good together.
Darcy : Yeah, I think it's because we're friends too. Seems obvious. You should be good friends with the person you're dating.
Tao : Yeah. That makes sense.
Tara : Yeah.
Charlie : Tao, can you come help us carry the glasses?
Tao : Yeah.
Elle : What are you doing?
Darcy : What do you mean?
Elle : You're clearly trying to set something up between me and Tao.
Darcy : We thought if we could hint to him that you'd make a good couple...
Elle : But I didn't ask you to do that.
Darcy : But you like him, so...
Elle : I don't want him to know that. Just because you two came out, doesn't mean I also want to share all my secrets. Friendship is more important. If he knew, things would change, and I've had to deal with enough changes in my life lately. I don't want anything else to change.
Tara : Yeah. Sharing stuff like that changes everything. Not always for the better.
Nick : Bubblegum's more interesting. It's more interesting.
Tao : Not interrupting anything, am I?
Charlie : Um, what? No, we were just chatting.
Tao : Okay then. You take those back, I'll wait for the last two.
Charlie : Are you sure?
Tao : Yeah.
Charlie : Okay.
Nick : Thanks.
Cashier : Cheers.
Nick : Here we are.
Charlie : Is this some sort of "no boys allowed" conversation?
Elle : Did you know this too? The me and Tao thing.
Charlie : Um... Yeah.
Elle : So this whole thing was just a setup?
Nick : We thought it would be fun to go on a triple date.
Elle : A triple date?
Nick : Yeah. You and Tao, Tara and Darcy, and...
Elle : You and Charlie?
Nick : Yeah.
Elle : You two are together?
Charlie : Yeah.
Elle : Charlie! I'm so happy for you. I mean, I'm happy for you too, but you didn't have to witness all the months of intense pining...
Charlie : Elle!
Elle : Do Tao and Isaac know?
Charlie : I think Isaac guessed, like, almost immediately after we got together.
Elle : And what about Tao?
Charlie : Not yet. I'm going to tell him. I just need to find the right time.
Elle : But he's the only one who doesn't know.
Tao : Um... Just so you know, the concert's starting in 15 minutes.
All : Oh!

Elle : I really love you.
Tao : Aw, I love you too.

Truham's gym
Miss Hyder : Tara, Darcy, hurry up, you're late. Sit down, chop chop. Thank you. Uh, can I have less chatting, more tuning, please? Thank you.
Girl : Don't look at her, you'll catch the lesbian disease.
Miss Hyder : It went well last time, but we'll do it better today, aren't we?
Charlie : Come on, put your foot under. Take it. And that one.
Nick : Okay.
Charlie : And then, um... I'm glad you came.
Nick : It seemed like you didn't want me to.
Charlie : No, I did. I just... I thought you were trying not to be rude.
Nick : No. I just... I like being with you.
Charlie : Also, we've been hanging out a lot and... If people guessed we were together, if they started saying stuff about you then... Well, I really don't want you to have to deal with that.
Nick : I, um... I've been researching about being bisexual. Uh... I think that might be me. But I... I'm not sure.
Miss Hyder : Has anyone seen Tara and Darcy? I'm about to open the doors for the audience.

Music's room
Tara : I just want some peace and quiet. The door!
Darcy : Oh, no. No signal. Can't believe this is the second time we've been locked inside here. Sorry.
Tara : It's fine. Didn't want to do the concert thing anyway.
Darcy : Talk to me.
Tara : Everything's changed.
Darcy : Since we came out?
Tara : Yeah.
Darcy : Do you regret it?
Tara : No. I just wasn't prepared for things to change. I didn't... I didn't think so many people would suddenly think I'm a completely different person.
Darcy : They don't think that.
Tara : They do. It's different for me. You came out years ago. I'm not loud and confident about being a lesbian. I could barely say the word lesbian when we started going out, and now I've got people on my Instagram, like, "Oh, my God, you're a lesbian." People giving me funny looks in the corridors. I wasn't prepared for any of it. I don't know how to behave anymore and... I just want to live my life. You're so confident about your sexuality, and I still feel like I know nothing.
Darcy : Hey, I don't know anything either. I don't know anything about anything.
Tara : I just want to live my life.
Darcy : We can do that.
Darcy and Tara are kissing
Darcy : You seem gay enough to me.
Tara : Shut up.
Darcy : I think it will get easier.
Tara : Yeah. I know.

School's corridors
Charlie : Tara!
Nick : Tara!
Tao : Tara?
Nick : Tara!

Music's room
Darcy : Homophobia.
Tara : We're in here, we got locked in!

School's corridors
Nick : Darcy!
Charlie : Tara!
Nick : Tara!

Music's room
Tara and Darcy : We're in here! In here!
Nick : Hey. You guys are supposed to be on stage, like, right now.

School's corridors
Elle : Hurry up!
Tao : You know I can't run, it's not my fault!

Truham's gym
Tara : Thanks, "boy I kissed one time."
Nick : No problem, "girl I kissed one time." You going to be okay?
Tara : Yeah. I'll be okay. You?
Nick : Yeah.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 23 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

18.10.2022 vers 17h

06.08.2022 vers 15h

27.07.2022 vers 23h

05.07.2022 vers 18h

19.06.2022 vers 22h

22.05.2022 vers 16h

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labelette  (21.06.2022 à 13:14)

C'est vrai qu'au collège / lycée ce n'est jamais évident et que le regard des autres peut être "violent". Même si aujourd'hui ça l'est quand même moins (j'allais mettre qu'à mon époque, mais ça fait vieille !) qu'il y a plusieurs années. Je pense (enfin, j'espère !) que les jeunes sont plus tolérants après, vers 20 ans.

Et oui, il y avait la scène des milkshakes ! Très sympa cette sortie tous les 6.

Emilie1905  (21.06.2022 à 13:08)

La société a évolué mais le collège/lycée reste toujours un endroit compliqué où chaque personne un tant soit peu différente (par rapport à quoi, c'est toujours la question) peut vite être embêtée et Tara ne fait pas exception malheureusement ..

Je pense que c'est plus nouveau pour Tara que pour Darcy d'où peut être la différence de comportement, et elles n'ont pas vraiment le même caractère non plus donc ça joue :)

Ça y est, tu as vu la scène des milkshakes du design ;)

labelette  (21.06.2022 à 12:40)

Pas facile pour Tara d'entendre tous ces commentaires homophobes. Je ne comprends pas qu'il y en ait (déjà), mais surtout autant ! Il y a quelques années c'était plus tabou, mais maintenant on ose plus facilement en parler et la société semble avoir évolué, mais ça n'a pas l'air d'être le cas de tout le monde, loin de là. Dur dur donc par Tara (et sa copine aussi, mais elle semble le vivre moins mal). 

Nick, lui, en parle petit à petit. C'est un bon début !


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chrismaz66, Hier à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Hier à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

Supersympa, Hier à 17:11

Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez bien.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:14

Aujourd'hui, la série Citadel fête son premier anniversaire. Pour l'occasion, un nouveau sondage vient d'être mis en place.

Supersympa, Hier à 17:16

Joyeux anniversaire Citadel !

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